Regardless of the item you wish to Lease or your business structure, experience the difference dealing with a Leasing Expert can make.
We are accredited with a panel of lenders which enable us to look at your individual needs and structuring requirements and find the right Lease for you. Whether you are looking to Lease a car, commercial vehicle, computing equipment or other item, leases can be established quickly and easily at some very competitive rates.
Our Leasing Expert can arrange terms between 24 – 60 months with a fixed interest rate and fixed monthly lease rentals. The structure of leasing can be varied and we can work with your Accountant to ensure the most effective solution is obtained for your individual needs.
We will organise all the paperwork, assist you with any documents requiring that require signing ,and keep in touch with you over time to assist on an ongoing basis.
To find the right leasing solution for you, please ring one of our Leasing Experts on (08) 9381 8311, or email us and we will arrange for one of our team to speak with you in person.
Subject to lenders terms and conditions, fees and charges and eligibility criteria apply.